2-Minute Talk Like A Winner Tips

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It's easy to assume that people aren't listening when they don't look you in the eyes. That may or may not be true. Since it is commonplace to multitask, a person who isn't looking at you may be looking around while still paying attention to what you have to say. Or an absence of eye contact may mean that the other person is preoccupied with a different matter. Another possibility is that making eye contact is something that makes the other person feel uncomfortable because of their personal shyness.

When your audience is not giving you both positive verbal and non-verbal signals, it's usually a sign that you've got to adjust your conversation so it's more to their liking. Otherwise, you may continue in the wrong direction away from a mutually enjoyable experience for all the people involved.

The Bottom Line

People are always giving you feedback whether it's verbal or non-verbal by the way they listen. As you're speaking, be sure to notice what other people are doing. They may not want to say anything to hurt your feelings, but their behaviors may be indicating to you that it's time to talk less and listen more.

Talk Like A Winner!

Wordle: Email1

Steve Nakamoto, Writer's Digest Award-Winning Relationship Author
16835 Algonquin Street, Suite 122, Huntington Beach, California 92649
Phone & FAX: (714) 846-0622
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