2-Minute Talk Like A Winner Tips

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Start off by speaking in short, simple sentences as a way of warming up. Sometimes this means being as basic as, "Hi! How are you? What's up?" Like Olympic sprinters in the 100 meter run, it takes a series of quick small steps before you can hit your stride. Do this instead of beginning a two-way conversation with a long, uninterrupted monologue.

Getting off to a good start in a conversation requires you to engage quickly and effectively. Don't make the common mistake of assuming that people will naturally want to hear what you have to say. In today's busy world, a person may only be willing to hear the first sentence or two of what you want to share before deciding whether or not they're actually going to listen to you any longer.

The Bottom Line

People love to talk, but often hate to listen. When it's your turn to talk, make your points quickly and in an interesting manner so that your listeners aren't likely to get bored. Then step aside and allow your listeners a chance to do their share of the talking. If you do your part well, people will naturally be more eager to converse with you again in the future.

Talk Like A Winner!

Wordle: Email1

Steve Nakamoto, Writer's Digest Award-Winning Relationship Author
16835 Algonquin Street, Suite 122, Huntington Beach, California 92649
Phone & FAX: (714) 846-0622
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