2-Minute Talk Like A Winner Tips

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Sometimes people will already have a reputation or a history which will give you clues as to their probable behavior with you. Other times, you'll have to do some research in order to attain more precise background information about who you're about to converse with. But in most situations, you will also have to seek first to understand how other people are feeling or thinking at a particular moment. Once you've gained a firm grasp of where people are coming from, you can adjust your conversation in a way that is more suitable for the others involved.

By sizing up the situation accurately, you will avoid costly mistakes in your communication. That will help you establish a fine reputation for yourself as someone who acts appropriately regardless of the environment, activity, or situation.

The Bottom Line

People often jump into conversations with little regard for the context or circumstances of the situation. However, it's not normally appropriate to be the funny man or woman at a funeral. It's also not a great idea to be the most somber person at a 4th of July celebration. One of your main objectives as a master communicator will be to assess situations accurately before launching yourself into any conversation. That way, you'll converse in an appropriate manner no matter what the state of affairs is.

Talk Like A Winner!

Wordle: Email2

Steve Nakamoto, Writer's Digest Award-Winning Relationship Author
16835 Algonquin Street, Suite 122, Huntington Beach, California 92649
Phone & FAX: (714) 846-0622
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